Prof. Joris van Hoboken to speak at the EP IMCO Committee workshop on “The DSA and DMA: A forward-looking and consumer-centered perspective”


On the 26th of May 2021 (16:45-18-45), the European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) Committee will hold a workshop on “The Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act: A forward-looking and consumer-centered perspective”.

Prof. Joris van Hoboken – one of the project leaders of the DSA Observatory at the Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam – will be presenting his conclusions and recommendations on the “Responsibilities of online intermediaries and new due diligence obligations” under the Digital Services Act.

The analysis of the experts and the discussions of the workshop will be taken into consideration in the DSA and DMA reports of the IMCO Committee.

Further information on the workshop, including agenda, speakers’ list and presentations, can be found here.

You can follow the live webstreaming by clicking here.